Top 10 Australian Fashion Bloggers and Influencers 2024

We’ve rounded up the top Australian Fashion Bloggers and Influencers of 2024 here on the IFB!

Oh, Australia. If the Aussies know one thing about online marketing, it’s the power of fashion bloggers and digital influencers.

Top Australian-Fashion-Bloggers

If us North Americans ladies aspire to be chic like French girls, then we strive to be carefree like the babes from “Down Under”. And while Aussies ladies sure know how to rock a bikini and a tan, they are also a ridiculously creative bunch. With a thriving fashion industry, that has launched more than a few globally-renowned brands (Sass & Bide? Zimmermann? Dion Lee, anyone?), it’s no wonder that Australia is home to a number of topnotch fashion bloggers and digital influencers.

And as Australia’s summer approaches, IFB has rounded up the top 10 Australian fashion bloggers and influencers of 2017. These ladies do an excellent job of producing solid content (remember, content is king!), while owning their social media accounts (Instagram = Life, for Aussie bloggers and influencers). Keep reading if you’re interested in learning what these ladies are doing right, when it comes to marketing themselves and their brands online.

Top 10 Australian Fashion Bloggers and Influencers of 2024

Sara Donaldson, Harper & Harley – Own Your Niche Market

Sara Donaldson

Sara Donaldson of Harper & Harley is one of Australia’s pioneering style bloggers.

She launched Harper & Harley in 2008, and is an expert in the field of blogging and social media. Wondering how she stayed relevant and succeeded as a blogger, throughout the past decade? Donaldson figured out early on that it was important to find your niche market within fashion blogging – and own it.

While the world of fashion blogging became more and more saturated, she successfully marketed herself as minimalist fashion blogger and influencer. She made Harper & Harley the destination for timeless wardrobe inspiration. Her minimalistic aesthetic boasts a healthy dose of European-inspired trends, while still conveying that Australian carefree attitude.

Instagram: @harperandharley

Kaitlyn Ham, Modern Legacy – Blogger is Still Relevant

Kaitlyn Ham

Have a Blogger blog? Considering switching over to WordPress or Squarespace? You might be better off sticking with Blogger (especially since we’ve got lots of SEO tips for Blogger blogs!)

Kaitlyn Ham of Modern Legacy runs her blog on Google’s publishing platform, Blogger a.k.a. Blogspot (as does Australian Youtube sensation, Chloe Morello). And If you’re looking for inspiration as to what you can do with Blogger as your CMS, look no further than Modern Legacy. The layout is clean and elegant, and the site is easy to navigate. It just goes to show if something isn’t broken, don’t fix it.

Hats off to Ham, for running a sleek blog with Blogger.

Instagram: @kaity_modern

Danielle & Nicole Benton, When Words Fail – Team Up!

Danielle Nicole Benton

Getting your twin (or sister, or cousin) involved with your blog might be the key to fashion blogging and influencer success. Take it from Danielle and Nicole Benton of When Words Fail. After all, it’s only a logical solution when the work can be evenly split between two people.

Regardless, everyone appreciates seeing double the outfits of the day on their Instagram. Be sure to follow them on social media as well, for double the trouble!

Instagram: @whenwordsfail_

Nadia Bartel, Chronicles of Nadia – Multitasking is The Key to Success

Nadia Bartel

Nadia Bartel is a stylist, blogger, Youtuber, mother and all-round multitasker.

We know, we know. It might seem to be a bit of a juggling act, balancing so much work. But if you’re looking to be an influencer in 2017, it’s important to have a following on a variety of platforms. As Millennials move away from reading blogs – and become more interested in watching videos and listening to podcasts – fashion bloggers need to find a way to diversify their brands. By branching out into Youtube and successfully managing her social media accounts, Bartel is racing down the right track.

Instagram: @nadiabartel

Jasmin Howell, Friend in Fashion – Showcase Your Personality

Jasmin Howell

Take one quick scroll through Jasmin Howell's Instagram account. You probably can't help but be blown away by the amount of personality she injects into her images. Howell also knows a thing or two about brand diversification.

Therefore, it's no surprise she's recently launched a skincare line, Santorini Skin, and regularly collaborates with big name brands like Uniqlo, Veuve Clicquot and Kate Spade.

Instagram: @friendinfashion

Amanda Shadforth, Oracle Fox – Put Your Passions into Your Blog

Amanda Shadforth

While we agree that it’s important to own your niche, we also think it’s equally important to incorporate your passions into your blog’s brand.

There’s nothing wrong with being a mum-blogger, chef-blogger or photographer-blogger – like Amanda Shadforth. Shadforth falls under the “photographer-blogger” category. She has no issues mixing the world of photography with honing her status as one of Austrialia's most respected digital influencer. Her love and expertise of photography, creative direction and style allows her to create unique content for her fashion blog, and stand out from the rest of the crowd.

Instagram: @OracleFox

Natasha Oakley & Devin Brugman, A Bikini A Day – If You've Got It, Flaunt It

Natasha Oakley Devin Brugman

Looking for some bikini and beachwear inspiration? Then look no further than A Bikini A Day, by Natasha Oakley and Devin Brugman.

Oakley and Brugman stay on top of swimwear trends and styles, making their blog an excellent place to start if you're looking for swimwear inspiration.

Instagram: @abikiniaday @tashoakley @devinbrugman

Margaret Zhang, Shine by Three – Take Your Side Hustle Seriously

Margaret Zhang

If fashion blogging is your side hustle (i.e. you way of making “passive” income), you might want to consider making it a primary priority – especially if you're passionate about it.

Take Margaret Zhang, for example. This Australian-Chinese beauty is the brains behind Shine by Three, an incredibly chic and sophisticated fashion blog. Even though she started blogging while studying law, Zhang has managed to build up an incredibly influential online brand. She is now based in NYC and works as a photographer, director, stylist and writer. Global brands like UNIQLO, Swarovski, Clinique, Lexus, Swisse, Matches and Louis Vuitton, have been lining up to work with her. Way to turn a creative outlet into a full-blown career.

Instagram: @margaret__zhang

Nicole Warne, Gary Pepper Girl – Be An Original

Nicole Warne

It's impossible to do a round up of Australian fashion bloggers, without including Gary Pepper Girl's Nicole Warne.

Having been in the business of fashion blogging since 2009, Warne has seen many blogging trends come and go. Therefore, she has remained true to her Gary Pepper Girl brand and, throughout the years, her authenticity has secured her over 2.3 million followers. Just goes to show quality content + getting into the game early + authenticity = the key of digital influencer success. Keep your ears pealed and your nose to the grind – and you do can be a successful influencer with a solid online brand, like Nicole Warne.

Instagram: @garypeppergirl

Who are your favourite Australian fashion bloggers? Is there someone we need to add to the list? Let us know in the comments below!

Editor's Note: This post was originally published in 2012, and was updated by Laura Kell on October 24th, 2017 and February 13th, 2024.

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About The Author

Laura Andrea Kell is a Canadian freelance writer and IFB's Editorial Assistant, and is based in Dubai, UAE. She also writes for itpliveme.com and occasionally blogs at lauraindubai.com Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @lauraandreakell

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19 Responses

  1. Neekoh

    A personal favorite: Friend in Fashion! Must read. Jasmin has impeccable style and a sweet personality to match. Check her out!

  2. Katerina

    Absolutely love all these blogs, they are young gorgeous and stylish. Would love you to come and check out mine. It is for both men and women from teens to 40s, runway to real way and everything in between.

    Please let me know what you think.

  3. Laura

    Meh, honestly I’m a little disappointed at your choices here. Not say that these blogs aren’t great because yes they are. But they’re all the same blogs that get mentioned in every single ‘Favourite Blogs’ or ‘Blogs to Watch’ list around the world. There are so many amazing Australian blog’s that rarely get the recognition they deserve. Check out some lesser known ones like: Mint Maison, Flourished and Sunkisses, Lucy and The Runaways, The Unknown Pleasures!
    Expand your horizons don’t just choose to follow big blogs because they’re big! Out of 15 blogs you only chose 3 that aren’t the stock standard 🙂

  4. A Girl, A Style

    Thank you so much for including me again; such an honour to be amongst so many great Australian blogs.

    Another one you *must* visit is Tuula Vintage for her incredibly flawless outfit shots (it helps that she is 6 foot tall, blonde and leggy too!)

    Briony xx

  5. Hera

    Always looking to meet new bloggers and explore new blogs. I will take a look at this list and the ones recommended through the comments.

    Also, feel free to check out my blog and share your thoughts www.heranyx.com



  6. irais de la Fuente

    I was just looking for Australian fashion blogs and bloggers so this post is perfect. I am new in Australia and I really like the style here, as a mexican it’s interesting for me differences in international style scene

  7. Rachel

    absolutely love when you feature bloggers! it’s a great way for them to gain exposure and of course for me to find new lovely blogs! You should do amazing teen bloggers!

  8. Jenee C.

    Love these, I’m an Australian too but blogging and living in the US.
    IFB you’ve forgotten my personal favourite newcomer- Citizens of the World. Love their content but most of all, love their wit and humour.


  9. Scott Purcell

    It’d be great if you could check out Man of Many (http://manofmany.com) as well for a men’s Australian fashion blog and let us know what you think!

  10. serendipityrose

    Great list of Aussie bloggers. I am in New York for fashion week this week so keep updated from a new Aussie fashion blogger 🙂 Can’t wait to share the latest from fashion week! x

  11. Belinda

    Talented ladies. I have no idea when it comes to anything but Mum wear or Running gear.

  12. Aussie Fashion Ladies

    These Aussie Fashion Ladies rule. Great selection of incredible blogs!

  13. fashiondrogue

    I liked Gary Pepper Vitage blog…its nice!
    New post is up on my blog

  14. Tali


  15. thirteen culture

    awesome bloggers. all lovely. too girly though. I mean, I love them all but actually, my favorite parts is the boy moments. I really like when women try to look like us. Showing flesh in fashion is not always what we want, we like to see mystery and a manly appeal at times. 🙂

  16. online clothes shopping

    I was just looking for Australian fashion blogs and bloggers so this post is perfect. I am new to Australia and I really like the style here. The information in this blog is exclusive as well as useful for me personally.

  17. Kaye

    Can I ask you to have a look at this fashion blogger from the Gold Coast. I follow her on Instagram @stylebykylie and I think she’s excellent. Beautiful styling and a little different from the usual fashion bloggers. Her blog is stylebykylie.com which I’ve added below. I hope you like her blog content and Instagram account which also has some great flat-lays.
    Thank you and have a nice day
